St. Matthew Family Choir
What is Family Choir?
The Family Choir is comprised of a group of people that vary in age and musical ability. We work together as a group to learn and grow as musicians so that we can provide a positive musical experience to the Mass. The adults in the group serve as mentors to the children in the manner of proper singing technique, as well as proper behavior in the choral and Mass setting.
When Did the Family Choir Begin?
The Family Choir was first established in 1985. The members met in the basement of the “farmhouse,” which is now the church office. When the current church building was dedicated, the Family Choir was thriving with 22 singers!
When are Rehearsals?
Typically, we rehearse on Wednesday’s at 7:00pm in the choir loft. Sometimes extra rehearsals are needed for special Masses.
How Do I Join the Family Choir?
No audition necessary! Please come and speak to Melanie Bolas or Grayson Cordova after one of the Masses, or come join us at one of the choir rehearsals. You can also email us at
Why Join the Family Choir?
The simple answer is because we like to have fun! In all seriousness, music is a very special part of the Mass. It is not meant to take over the Mass, but rather be a part of it in a spiritually intimate way-